Once again, let me extend my deepest thanks to Gary Gavula, our combined choirs, our instrumentalists, and cantors for last Sunday’s Advent Evening of Readings and Carols. It was a beautiful evening of prayer, song, and reflection on the Word. I am also grateful to our Light Up The Night team and all those who volunteered to help with the delivery, set up, and decorations. Thank you! We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you, too, to all those who purchased a tree and by doing so help to support our parish and its mission. Thank you to all!
Finally, I am grateful to members of our Parish Council for Financial Affairs for presenting you with the annual report to the parish. As I noted in my opening remarks to the presentation, one of the responsibilities placed on me as a pastor is to make an accounting of the stewardship of the resources you entrust to us for the life and mission of the parish. If you have not picked up the report yet, you can obtain it in the church vestibule and online through the parish website.
I am inviting you to join us on Monday, December 16 for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Reconciliation beginning at 7:00 pm. Twelve priests will be available as confessors both in English and Spanish. Please, celebrate the sacrament with us in preparation for the Solemnity of the Nativity. We priests are there to welcome you and to lead you back to the grace Christ offers each of us in this sacrament of His mercy.
The Sunday Morning Café is an opportunity for our parish community to enjoy light refreshments, good company, and a brief topical presentation on faith, liturgy, ethics and morality, spirituality, and other issues pertaining to Christian discipleship.